Beim Pelicam Filmfestival 2018 wurde UNTITLED von der Jury - bestehend aus Regisseur Andrei Ujică, dem Journalisten Sven Egenter und Oksana Sarkisova, dem Leiter des Verzio Film Festivals - zum Gewinner des großen Pelicam 2018 Award erklärt!
Zwischen ingesamt sechs Dokumentarfilmen entschied sich die Jury innerhalb kürzester Zeit für Glawoggers und Willis UNTITLED.
"Although they had to choose among the six documentaries that took us from the Arctic to the Congo mines, the jurors decided unanimously and in just 60 seconds that this film during which the director lost his life deserves the highest distinction."
Glawogger's and Willi's UNTITLED was chosen out of six other documentaries to win the Pelicam 2018 Award. Director Andrei Ujică, journalist Sven Egenter and Verzio festival director Oksana Sarkisova formed the Jury.