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Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Werner Boote
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Werner Boote
  2. Concept: Werner Boote
  3. Producer: Tommy Pridnig
  4. Production company: Lotus Filmproduktion GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Robert Neumüller
In production
In cinemas now
New release

Director & Concept: Robert Neumüller
Camera: Robert Neumüller, Richard Bayerl, Lukas Swatek, Lukas Roucka
Editing: Daniel Hamersky
Producer: Tommy Pridnig
Coordinating Producer: Kurt Stocker
Production Company: Lotus Filmproduktion GmbH

Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Mario Hainzl
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Mario Hainzl
  2. Concept: Mario Hainzl, Andreas Jaritz
  3. Cinematography: Roman Königshofer, Felix Gänsicke, René Eckert, Mario Hainzl
  4. Producers: Tommy Pridnig, Peter Wirthensohn, Andreas Jaritz
  5. Coordinating Producer: Valentin Renoldner
  6. Production companies: Lotus-Film GmbH, Nomad Earth Media
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Michael Glawogger, Monika Willi
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Michael Glawogger, Monika Willi
  2. Concept: Michael Glawogger, Attila Boa, Monika Willi
  3. Director of Photography: Attila Boa
  4. Sound: Manuel Siebert
  5. Editor: Monika Willi
  6. Music: Wolfgang Mitterer
  7. Narrator (international version): Fiona Shaw
  8. Narrator ( german version): Birgit Minichmayr
  9. Sales: Autlook Filmsales
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Barbara Caspar
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Barbara Caspar
  2. Cinematographers: Enzo Brandner, Sergio Deustua Jochamowitz
  3. Editor: Alexandra Schneider
  4. Voice Artists: Jaschka Lämmert, Pippa Galli
  5. Producers: Tommy Pridnig, Peter Wirthensohn, Valentin Renoldner
  6. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Wenders, Glawogger, Madsen, Redford, Olin, Ainouz
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Directors: Wim Wenders, Michael Glawogger, Michael Madsen, Robert Redford, Margreth Olin, Karim Ainouz
  2. Cinematographers: Christian Rein, Ed Lachmann, Wolfgang Thaler, Øystein Mamen, Ali Gözkaya
  3. Editors: Toni Froschhammer, Jim Helton, Janus Billeskov Jansen, Monika Willi, Michael Leszczylowski
  4. Producers: Gian-Piero Ringel, Erwin M. Schmidt
  5. Production company: Neue Road Movies GmbH
  6. Co-producers: Peter Wirthensohn, Tommy Pridnig
  7. Co-production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Michael Glawogger
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Michael Glawogger
  2. Screenwriter: Michael Glawogger
  3. Cinematographer: Wolfgang Thaler
  4. Editor: Mona Willi
  5. Music: Pappik & Regener, Maike Rosa Vogel
  6. Executive producer: Alfred Deutsch
  7. Producers: Erich Lackner, Tommy Pridnig, Peter Wirthensohn
  8. Co-producers: Pepe Danquart, Mirjam Quinte
  9. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
  10. Co-production company: Quinte Film
  11. Distribution (national): Filmladen
  12. Distribution (international): The Match Factory
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Nathalie Borgers
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Nathalie Borgers
  2. Cinematographer: Jean-Paul Meurisse
  3. Editor: Dieter Pichler
  4. Music: Thierry Zaboitzeff
  5. Executive producer: Christoph Gretzmacher
  6. Producers: Sebastién Delloye, Diana Elbaum, Erich Lackner
  7. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
  8. Co-production company: Entre Chien et Loup, Liaison Cinématographique
  9. Distribution (national): Poool Filmverleih
  10. Distribution (international): Films Distribution
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Michael Sturminger
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Michael Sturminger
  2. Cinematographer: Attila Boa, Franz Hinterbrandner, Timo Schlüssel, Wolfgang Thaler
  3. Editor: Andrea Wagner, Mona Willi
  4. Executive producer: Nina Wilhelm
  5. Producer: Peter Wirthensohn
  6. Line Producer Rome & London: Manuela Mancini
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Pepe Danquart
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Pepe Danquart
  2. Screenwriter: Pepe Danquart
  3. Cinematographer: Franz Hinterbrandner, Max Reichel, Wolfgang Thaler
  4. Editor: Mona Bräuner
  5. Producers: Kirsten Hager, Erich Lackner, Mirjam Quinte
  6. Production company: Hager Moss Film, Lotus-Film GmbH, Quinte Film
  7. Distribution (national): Filmladen
  8. Distribution (international): Telepool
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Udo Maurer
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Udo Maurer
  2. Cinematographer: Attila Boa, Udo Maurer
  3. Editor: Emily Artmann, Ilse Buchelt, Oliver Neumann
  4. Producer: Erich Lackner
  5. Co-producer: Anne Schröder
  6. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
  7. Distribution (national): Poool Filmverleih
  8. Distribution (international): Paul Thiltges Distribution
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Michael Glawogger
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Michael Glawogger
  2. Cinematographer: Wolfgang Thaler
  3. Editor: Ilse Buchelt, Mona Willi
  4. Music: John Zorn
  5. Executive producer: Peter Wirthensohn
  6. Producers: Pepe Danquart, Erich Lackner, Mirjam Quinte
  7. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH, Quinte Film
  8. Distribution (national): Filmladen
  9. Distribution (international): Paul Thiltges Distribution
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Barbara Albert, Michael Glawogger, Ulrich Seidl, Michael Sturminger
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Directors: Barbara Albert, Michael Glawogger, Ulrich Seidl, Michael Sturminger
  2. Cinematographer: Ulrich Seidl, Eva Testor
  3. Editor: Karina Ressler
  4. Executive producer: Max Linder
  5. Producers: Erich Lackner, Klaus Pridnig
  6. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Elisabeth Scharang
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Elisabeth Scharang
  2. Screenwriter: Elisabeth Scharang
  3. Cinematographer: Johannes Hammel, Claus Muhr
  4. Editor: Michael Ranocha
  5. Music: Fritz Ostermeyer
  6. Executive producer: Oliver Brosenbauer
  7. Producer: Erich Lackner
  8. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Michael Glawogger
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Michael Glawogger
  2. Screenwriter: Michael Glawogger
  3. Cinematographer: Wolfgang Thaler
  4. Editor: Mona Willi
  5. Music: Armin Pokorn
  6. Executive producer: Gabriella Reisinger
  7. Producer: Erich Lackner
  8. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Eyal Sivan
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Eyal Sivan
  2. Screenwriter: Eyal Sivan
  3. Editor: Audrey Maurion
  4. Music: Jean-Michel Levy, Krishna Levy, Yves Robert, Beátrice Thiriet
  5. Producer: Eyal Sivan
  6. Co-producers: Martine Barbé, Amit Breuer, Erich Lackner, Elke Peters
  7. Production company: Amythos, BIFF, Image Création, Lotus-Film GmbH, Momento!
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Michael Glawogger
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director & Screenwriter: Michael Glawogger
  2. Cinematographer: Wolfgang Thaler
  3. Editor: Andrea Wagner
  4. Producer: Erich Lackner
  5. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
  6. Co-producer: Rolf Schmid
  7. Co-production company: Fama Film
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Ulrich Seidl
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Ulrich Seidl
  2. Screenwriter: Ulrich Seidl
  3. Cinematographer: Heinz Brandner, Jerzy Palacz, Hans Selikowsky, Peter Zeitlinger
  4. Editor: Walter Andreas Christen
  5. Music: Walter Andreas Christen
  6. Executive producer: Max Linder
  7. Producer: Erich Lackner
  8. Co-producer: Esther van Messel
  9. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Ulrich Seidl
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Ulrich Seidl
  2. Cinematographer: Peter Zeitlinger
  3. Editor: Walter Andreas Christen
  4. Executive producer: Max Linder
  5. Producer: Erich Lackner
  6. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Wolfgang Murnberger
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Wolfgang Murnberger
  2. Screenwriter: Wolfgang Murnberger
  3. Cinematographer: Fabian Eder
  4. Editor: Evi Romen, Bernhard Weirather
  5. Producer: Erich Lackner
  6. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
  7. Animation: Martin Anibas, Sabine Groschup, Bady Minck, Thomas Renolder, Herbert Schager, Roland Spöttling
  8. Unit manager: Fabian Eder
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Ulrich Seidl
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Ulrich Seidl
  2. Cinematographer: Peter Zeitlinger
  3. Editor: Peter Zeitlinger
  4. Executive producer: Wernfried S. Natter
  5. Producer: Erich Lackner
  6. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Ulrich Seidl
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Ulrich Seidl
  2. Cinematographer: Michael Glawogger, Hans Selikowsky, Peter Zeitlinger
  3. Editor: Christof Schertenleib
  4. Producer: Erich Lackner
  5. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Series TV
Ulrich Seidl
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Ulrich Seidl
  2. Cinematographer: Peter Zeitlinger
  3. Editor: Christof Schertenleib
  4. Producer: Erich Lackner
  5. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
  6. Distribution (international): Coproduction Office
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Eyal Sivan
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Eyal Sivan
  2. Screenwriter: Eyal Sivan
  3. Editor: Audrey Maurion
  4. Music: Jean-Michel Levy, Krishna Levy, Yves Robert, Beátrice Thiriet
  5. Producer: Eyal Sivan
  6. Co-producers: Martine Barbé, Amit Breuer, Erich Lackner, Elke Peters
  7. Production company: Amythos, BIFF, Image Création, Lotus-Film GmbH, Momento!
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Udo Maurer
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Udo Maurer
  2. Cinematographer: Attila Boa, Udo Maurer
  3. Editor: Emily Artmann, Ilse Buchelt, Oliver Neumann
  4. Producer: Erich Lackner
  5. Co-producer: Anne Schröder
  6. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
  7. Distribution (national): Poool Filmverleih
  8. Distribution (international): Paul Thiltges Distribution
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Ulrich Seidl
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Ulrich Seidl
  2. Cinematographer: Michael Glawogger, Hans Selikowsky, Peter Zeitlinger
  3. Editor: Christof Schertenleib
  4. Producer: Erich Lackner
  5. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Wolfgang Murnberger
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Wolfgang Murnberger
  2. Screenwriter: Wolfgang Murnberger
  3. Cinematographer: Fabian Eder
  4. Editor: Evi Romen, Bernhard Weirather
  5. Producer: Erich Lackner
  6. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
  7. Animation: Martin Anibas, Sabine Groschup, Bady Minck, Thomas Renolder, Herbert Schager, Roland Spöttling
  8. Unit manager: Fabian Eder
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Mario Hainzl
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Mario Hainzl
  2. Concept: Mario Hainzl, Andreas Jaritz
  3. Cinematography: Roman Königshofer, Felix Gänsicke, René Eckert, Mario Hainzl
  4. Producers: Tommy Pridnig, Peter Wirthensohn, Andreas Jaritz
  5. Coordinating Producer: Valentin Renoldner
  6. Production companies: Lotus-Film GmbH, Nomad Earth Media
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Wenders, Glawogger, Madsen, Redford, Olin, Ainouz
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Directors: Wim Wenders, Michael Glawogger, Michael Madsen, Robert Redford, Margreth Olin, Karim Ainouz
  2. Cinematographers: Christian Rein, Ed Lachmann, Wolfgang Thaler, Øystein Mamen, Ali Gözkaya
  3. Editors: Toni Froschhammer, Jim Helton, Janus Billeskov Jansen, Monika Willi, Michael Leszczylowski
  4. Producers: Gian-Piero Ringel, Erwin M. Schmidt
  5. Production company: Neue Road Movies GmbH
  6. Co-producers: Peter Wirthensohn, Tommy Pridnig
  7. Co-production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Michael Glawogger
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Michael Glawogger
  2. Screenwriter: Michael Glawogger
  3. Cinematographer: Wolfgang Thaler
  4. Editor: Mona Willi
  5. Music: Armin Pokorn
  6. Executive producer: Gabriella Reisinger
  7. Producer: Erich Lackner
  8. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Robert Neumüller
In production
In cinemas now
New release

Director & Concept: Robert Neumüller
Camera: Robert Neumüller, Richard Bayerl, Lukas Swatek, Lukas Roucka
Editing: Daniel Hamersky
Producer: Tommy Pridnig
Coordinating Producer: Kurt Stocker
Production Company: Lotus Filmproduktion GmbH

Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Ulrich Seidl
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Ulrich Seidl
  2. Cinematographer: Peter Zeitlinger
  3. Editor: Christof Schertenleib
  4. Producer: Erich Lackner
  5. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
  6. Distribution (international): Coproduction Office
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Werner Boote
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Werner Boote
  2. Concept: Werner Boote
  3. Producer: Tommy Pridnig
  4. Production company: Lotus Filmproduktion GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Michael Sturminger
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Michael Sturminger
  2. Cinematographer: Attila Boa, Franz Hinterbrandner, Timo Schlüssel, Wolfgang Thaler
  3. Editor: Andrea Wagner, Mona Willi
  4. Executive producer: Nina Wilhelm
  5. Producer: Peter Wirthensohn
  6. Line Producer Rome & London: Manuela Mancini
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Michael Glawogger
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director & Screenwriter: Michael Glawogger
  2. Cinematographer: Wolfgang Thaler
  3. Editor: Andrea Wagner
  4. Producer: Erich Lackner
  5. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
  6. Co-producer: Rolf Schmid
  7. Co-production company: Fama Film
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Elisabeth Scharang
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Elisabeth Scharang
  2. Screenwriter: Elisabeth Scharang
  3. Cinematographer: Johannes Hammel, Claus Muhr
  4. Editor: Michael Ranocha
  5. Music: Fritz Ostermeyer
  6. Executive producer: Oliver Brosenbauer
  7. Producer: Erich Lackner
  8. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Ulrich Seidl
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Ulrich Seidl
  2. Cinematographer: Peter Zeitlinger
  3. Editor: Walter Andreas Christen
  4. Executive producer: Max Linder
  5. Producer: Erich Lackner
  6. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Barbara Caspar
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Barbara Caspar
  2. Cinematographers: Enzo Brandner, Sergio Deustua Jochamowitz
  3. Editor: Alexandra Schneider
  4. Voice Artists: Jaschka Lämmert, Pippa Galli
  5. Producers: Tommy Pridnig, Peter Wirthensohn, Valentin Renoldner
  6. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Barbara Albert, Michael Glawogger, Ulrich Seidl, Michael Sturminger
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Directors: Barbara Albert, Michael Glawogger, Ulrich Seidl, Michael Sturminger
  2. Cinematographer: Ulrich Seidl, Eva Testor
  3. Editor: Karina Ressler
  4. Executive producer: Max Linder
  5. Producers: Erich Lackner, Klaus Pridnig
  6. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Ulrich Seidl
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Ulrich Seidl
  2. Screenwriter: Ulrich Seidl
  3. Cinematographer: Heinz Brandner, Jerzy Palacz, Hans Selikowsky, Peter Zeitlinger
  4. Editor: Walter Andreas Christen
  5. Music: Walter Andreas Christen
  6. Executive producer: Max Linder
  7. Producer: Erich Lackner
  8. Co-producer: Esther van Messel
  9. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Ulrich Seidl
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Ulrich Seidl
  2. Cinematographer: Peter Zeitlinger
  3. Editor: Peter Zeitlinger
  4. Executive producer: Wernfried S. Natter
  5. Producer: Erich Lackner
  6. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Pepe Danquart
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Pepe Danquart
  2. Screenwriter: Pepe Danquart
  3. Cinematographer: Franz Hinterbrandner, Max Reichel, Wolfgang Thaler
  4. Editor: Mona Bräuner
  5. Producers: Kirsten Hager, Erich Lackner, Mirjam Quinte
  6. Production company: Hager Moss Film, Lotus-Film GmbH, Quinte Film
  7. Distribution (national): Filmladen
  8. Distribution (international): Telepool
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Michael Glawogger, Monika Willi
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Michael Glawogger, Monika Willi
  2. Concept: Michael Glawogger, Attila Boa, Monika Willi
  3. Director of Photography: Attila Boa
  4. Sound: Manuel Siebert
  5. Editor: Monika Willi
  6. Music: Wolfgang Mitterer
  7. Narrator (international version): Fiona Shaw
  8. Narrator ( german version): Birgit Minichmayr
  9. Sales: Autlook Filmsales
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Michael Glawogger
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Michael Glawogger
  2. Screenwriter: Michael Glawogger
  3. Cinematographer: Wolfgang Thaler
  4. Editor: Mona Willi
  5. Music: Pappik & Regener, Maike Rosa Vogel
  6. Executive producer: Alfred Deutsch
  7. Producers: Erich Lackner, Tommy Pridnig, Peter Wirthensohn
  8. Co-producers: Pepe Danquart, Mirjam Quinte
  9. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
  10. Co-production company: Quinte Film
  11. Distribution (national): Filmladen
  12. Distribution (international): The Match Factory
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Nathalie Borgers
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Nathalie Borgers
  2. Cinematographer: Jean-Paul Meurisse
  3. Editor: Dieter Pichler
  4. Music: Thierry Zaboitzeff
  5. Executive producer: Christoph Gretzmacher
  6. Producers: Sebastién Delloye, Diana Elbaum, Erich Lackner
  7. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH
  8. Co-production company: Entre Chien et Loup, Liaison Cinématographique
  9. Distribution (national): Poool Filmverleih
  10. Distribution (international): Films Distribution
Feature film
Feature film TV
Feature film | 3D
Documentary TV
Documentary | 3D
Michael Glawogger
In production
In cinemas now
New release
  1. Director: Michael Glawogger
  2. Cinematographer: Wolfgang Thaler
  3. Editor: Ilse Buchelt, Mona Willi
  4. Music: John Zorn
  5. Executive producer: Peter Wirthensohn
  6. Producers: Pepe Danquart, Erich Lackner, Mirjam Quinte
  7. Production company: Lotus-Film GmbH, Quinte Film
  8. Distribution (national): Filmladen
  9. Distribution (international): Paul Thiltges Distribution